West's 'Our Navy'

Correspondence Styles

David Clover

  A letter dated 15 July 1907 from the Gaumont Company in the Oxfordshire History Centre 'Film in Oxford: The Early Years' web page, revealed the possibility that West's 'Our Navy' had been booked at Oxford Town Hall. A search was therefore made of the Oxford Town Clerk's correspondence files for 1905-1908 (folders OCA5/1/C5/9,  OCA5/1/C5/5, OCA5/1/C5/8, OCA5/1/C5/6) at Oxford Town Hall. A number of original letters from West's 'Our Navy' seeking to book the Town Hall for a show were discovered. A number of other competitor bookings were also found which are recorded separately on this website.

(Link to file at Oxfordshire History Centre)
W.G. Glanville to Town Clerk (Curator) asking about October dates.

W.G. Glanville to Town Clerk (Curator) asking about student term dates.

B. Richardson asking for confirmation for January - April 1906 dates and seeking assurance that no competing show has been booked.

From H. Richardson asking for details of Box Office to be used for shows and whether the Town Hall can be darkened for Afternoon Matinee performances.

Letter from R.A. Laidlaw pp Mr. A.J. West F.R.G.S. Letter is written on an essay submission form. It asks that a searchlight be installed to advertise the shows.

The Hampshire Post reported on 21/10/1904

“Our Navy" Essays.—lt will be remembered that
during the stay of “ Our Navy and Our Army ” in Southsea Mr. Alfred J. West offered prizes for the best essays written by boys and girls attending Council Schools of the borough. So many attempts were sent in that the work of adjudicating has proved a heavy one. However, the essays are being examined by a committee in London, and the names of the successful competitors will be published in our next issue."

(The relevant Newspaper articles are abstracted in a PDF file on this website.)

Typed letter from Alfred J West proposing a visit to Oxford with '...my new programme'

Typed letter from Alfred J West proposing a visit to Oxford from 21 October (Trafalgar Day) for one week.

Holding letter from F.C. West awaiting return of A.J. West to sign contract.

A.J. West sends £5 deposit for hire of Town Hall

F.C. West writes from the Philharmonic Hall in Southampton asking for details of booking agents for Town Hall shows.

20/12/1907 F,C, West asking about vacant week in November 1908. Town Clerk indicates that 30 Nov to 5 Dec is available.

F.C. West (A.J. West;s brother) to Town Clerk asking for available dates from November 30th 1908. Also seeking assurance that no competing show will be booked within a month of their proposed visit.

Letter from General Manager saying unable to take up the date

(On Regent Street Polytechnic Touring Association headed paper hand stamped with company name). A.J. West asks if week of Jan 25th or Feb 1 (1908) is available
